Thursday, February 24, 2011

What is the next big ... ?

A virus is notorious
but easily overwhelmed by the resources of a bacteria
which is overwhelmed by the complexity of a fungus
which is overwhelmed by the thrust of a single drop of anti-fungal
which is overwhelmed by a splash of water
which is overwhelmed by a room heater
which is overwhelmed by e.m.f of the electric system of the skyscraper
which is overwhelmed by the power-grid of the city
which is overwhelmed by the size of the New York city
which is overwhelmed by a 'tiny' splash of the Atlantic
which is overwhelmed by the 'little' ice cubes of the Arctics
which is overwhelmed by a bright-shine of a sun-storm
which is overwhelmed by the vastness of the sun
which is overwhelmed by the size of a white "Dwarf"
which is overwhelmed by its own galaxy
which is overwhelmed by the number of galaxies in Universe
which is overwhelmed by ... ?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

You came closer, by going too far

She was closest to me, but you know, too close.
So years of fume was adding up inside
That time, all I wanted to go far, far away;
and I took my flight, in a rush, in a bright sunny day.
It was then, we, half a planet away from sight
I came to believe in life, and, I had taken a wrong fight.
Each mile, into you and me, acting as a thorn,
and killing my self, grew since I was born.

Now we are part in a far away, far,
Oh, my heart feels closer than ever,
Yer love, why, causing a gloomy tear,
Your silly naggings now music to ma ear
Yeah, mom. You & me are closer than ever,
just like my first six months, or the first two year ...

@ 9th February, 2011
@ Memphis, Tennessee, USA